Listing of Birds from

Monday, April 9, 2007

Pygmy Nuthatch - Nest Building

Early this morning I walked one of the loops at Natural Bridges State Beach looking for a reported Orchard Oriole. No luck. As I was about to leave I heard a few Pygmy Nuthatchs in a tree near the Ranger Shed. I stayed about an hour observing the cavity building activities of two or three members of the family.

Interesting facts about the Pygmy Nuthatch from: All About Birds the web site of Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Pygmy Nuthatch is one of only two nuthatch species in
the world known to have helpers at the nest. Offspring
from previous years help their parents raise young.

Unique among songbirds, the Pygmy Nuthatch uses three
energy-saving mechanisms on cold nights: it uses a
protected roost site (hole in a tree), huddles with
other nuthatches, and lets its body temperature drop

No records exist of Pygmy Nuthatches roosting alone.
They always huddle in a group, sometimes with more than
100 in a single cavity.

See more Pygmy Nuthatch photos here.


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